Zoraida Basaldu- The Kaizen Woman

Engineer by Day, Empowered Fem by Night
When she was only 11 years old and in the sixth grade, Zoraida Basaldu remembers hearing a talk on engineering and realizing at that moment that she one day wanted to become a Petroleum Engineer.
Zoraida describes that early experience as being the catalyst that set her on a path to becoming educated and anxious to empower other young ladies to follow their dreams.
With that in mind, Zoraida created Empowered Fem, officially launching on International Women’s Day on March 8, 2019. Through Empowered Fem, Zoraida and her recruits, which happen to be other like-minded, professional women from all fields and backgrounds, host events at local schools to inspire young girls by introducing them to professional guest speakers who excel in fields such as STEM, the arts, medicine, media, government and more.
While reaching young minds is her primary focus, Zoraida also publishes a blog and hosts the Fab & Fearless speaker series aimed at adult women, offering up opportunities for motivational speakers and professional networking.
Zoraida’s Empowered Fem reached its one-year anniversary in March and she says she has big plans for the future.
More about Zoraida:
IG: @empoweredfem

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